Display agenda in a page

The iEvent theme is provided with custom shortcodes page elements . Now we follow the below steps to insert the Agenda into any post.

[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/aa1.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]

First Goto the page where you wanted to display the Agenda section and in the Visual Composer column setting. place the control and now click the add page element , a Shortcode panel will be displayed with the list of all page elements. Now in the search box enter “Agenda” now you will find the custom shortcode named “Agenda “provided by the theme.Select the page element.

[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/aa2.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]

Now you will find the Agenda Setting panel pop up.Enter the number of event days in the text box.Save your changes and update the page.

[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/aa3.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]

Now you have successfully added the Agenda to your page.
[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/aa4.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]