Display testimonial in a page

The iEvent theme is provided with custom shorcode to insert the testimonial slider into a page as a page element.Follow the below procedure to insert the testimonial slider.

Goto the page where the Testimonial slider need to be inserted , now select the column element where you wanted to add the testimonial slider.Now click the add element icon

[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ti1.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]

You will find the Shortcode add panel displaying all the page elements. In the search box enter Testimonial , now you will find the custom testimonial page element in the filtered panel, Select the Page Element

[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ti2.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]

Now the Testimonial page element setting panel pops , Enter the number of testimonials count in the test area provided and save the changes and update the page

[su_lightbox type=”image” src=”http://janxcode.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ti3.png”]s1[/su_lightbox]

Now you have successfully added the testimonial slider to your page.