Partners Logo

Evont theme has a custom post type called Partners to create partners. Click on the “Partners” in left menu to view list of partners.


View Partners

Click on “Partners” in left menu to bring the list of partners.


[su_lightbox type=”image” src=””]pa1[/su_lightbox]

To Add New Partner

Click on “Add New” button in the left menu under partners or click on the “Add New” button on the top of the view partners page

the add new page opens. There are four options to fill here
Add title for the Partner
Link URL
Browse and upload a image clicking on the Select or Upload images


[su_lightbox type=”image” src=””]pa2[/su_lightbox]


Display Partners Logo in a page

We saw how to create partners and partner categories in the previous section .Now after creating the partners. Lets see how to show them on any desired page .


Open the page where you want to show the list of partners in the Visual composer click on the partners logo option


[su_lightbox type=”image” src=””]p1[/su_lightbox]


The Partner logo pop up window will open . In that we can choose the Post count , number of partners to display . We can also choose which category to appear. Click “save changes” in the popup box. Also dont forget to click the update button of the post to save all changes.


[su_lightbox type=”image” src=””]p2[/su_lightbox]