Poedit Sources Keywords List

For translating a WordPress theme we need to convert all the keywords .For this we need any translation editor like Poedit.

There are many keywords that may be used in themes and it’s best to include them all (not just the ones currently being used) in case of future updates. Given below is a list of the keywords you’ll want to include. For editing using Poedit go to Catalog > Properties > Sources Keywords.

  • __
  • _e
  • _n
  • _x
  • _ex
  • _nx
  • esc_attr__
  • esc_attr_e
  • esc_attr_x
  • esc_html__
  • esc_html_e
  • esc_html_x
  • _n_noop
  • _nx_noop
  • translate_nooped_plural()

Here is the complete list separated by comas if you are updating via a text editor.
__, _e, _n, _x, _ex, _nx, esc_attr__, esc_attr_e, esc_attr_x, esc_html__, esc_html_e, esc_html_x, _n_noop, _nx_noop, translate_nooped_plural