How to change blog style

Rebuild theme offers three styles for blog

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  • Grid Format
  • Masonry Grid
  • Large blog Format

Grid Format

Rebuild theme comes bundled with a plugin called Essential Grid plugin. Essential grid allows to create Grid format. To create Grids follow the plugin documentation available here

Masonry Grid

Masonry is a grid layout based on columns. Unlike other grid layouts, it doesn’t have fixed height rows. Basically, Masonry layout optimizes the use of space inside the web page by reducing any unnecessary gaps. Without this type of layout, certain restrictions are required to maintain the structure of layout.

To create Masonry Grid also follow the essential grid theme documentation available here

Large Blog Format

This is the default format for blog posts with the Rebuild theme. To make a blog page Create a new page and choose the template Blog. Under Settings > Reading choose the page to be the Posts Page.
[su_lightbox type=”image” src=””]blog[/su_lightbox] [su_lightbox type=”image” src=””]blog2[/su_lightbox]

Page Layout

Each of the blog formats pages can follow three layout options
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  • Page with Right sidebar
  • Page with Left sidebar
  • Full width page